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Membership Update:

Please do not forget to renew your memberships for the 2024-2025 Show Season! The deadline to renew and to be eligible to vote in this fall’s election for Northeast Regional Director is June 30, 2024. To be able to vote in this fall’s election, new members would have had to have joined by April 1, 2024.


Northeast Regional Treasury:

I do have a candidate interested in taking over the position of Northeast Regional Treasurer and hope to have an update later in the summer, along with published financials.


We continue to ask all clubs to donate $1 per entry to the regional fund, and thank the two clubs that donated, Cat Lovers of New England and North East Region Feline Fanciers. We continue to ask other clubs in the region to consider donations.


2023-2024 Regional Show and Winners:

2024 Northeast Regional Show: Northeast Regional Feline Fanciers is hosting the Northeast h Northeast Regional show on August 10-11, 2024, in Binghamton, New York! The show is 2 day, 12 ring show, back at the SUNY Binghamton Ice Arena, with a Junior Exhibitor Ring. The judges are posted on the show calendar and is open for entries!


2023-2024 Regional Winners – Sponsorships: The deadline for Northeast Regional Award Sponsorships is July 9, 2024. The sponsorship form is available at


2024 Northeast Regional Banquet: The Banquet will be held at the Holiday Inn in Binghamton, NY on August 10, 2024. The Banquet menu and sign-up form is available at The deadline is August 1, 2024 to sign-up.


2024 Annual Northeast Representation in Hampton, Virginia

The Northeast Region is thrilled to be represented by Judge Aline Noel Garel at the 2024 TICA Annual, to be held in Hampton, Virginia! We are planning to sponsor her at the usual $500 level.


In addition, Heather Ellis has volunteered to be our Raffle Basket Czar! Every region traditionally donates a raffle basket to the annual, and the region with the best raffle basket gets a prize! Being an adjoining region to the Mid-Atlantic, I am hoping for a strong showing of donations emblematic of the Northeast Spirit, from Toronto to Quebec City, New York to Portland, and all the way to Labrador! If you have donations for the Regional Raffle Basket, please bring them to the Northeast Regional Show in Binghamton, NY on August 10-11, 2024.

If you are interested in putting on a show, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Christian!


Mentorship Committee:

TICA is working on building out our mentorship committee and are hopeful for additional volunteers to step up to help match mentors and mentees in the region, as well as mentors themselves! Please reach out to me if interested.


Stay Connected on Facebook and Instagram to the Northeast Region!

The TICA Northeast Region has an Instagram page – please follow and tag your posts!

Be sure to join our Facebook group too!

Our is great for emailed updates, too:


We need content as well! Please feel free to Direct Message photos and reels, and you may see it featured in our grid and on stories!


- Christian, TICA NERD

Christian Cherau


TICA Northeast Regional Director


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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